membuat kalimat positif (+), dan negatif (-).
1. Everyone-to-teguh's-party-did-come-?
2. Did-visit-her-you-this morning-?
3. What-sunday-did-do-last-you-?
4. Here-how-you-did-get-?
5. Call-why-night-did-you-me-last-?
1. everyone-to-teguh's-party-did-come-?
(+) did everyone come to teguh's party?
(-) did everyone not come to teguh's party?
2. did-visit-her-you-this-morning-?
(+) did you visit her this morning?
(-) did you not visit her this morning?
3. what-sunday-did-do-last-you-?
(+) what did you do last sunday?
(-) what didn't you do last sunday?
4. here-how-you-did-get-?
(+) how did you get here?
(-) how did you not get here?
5. call-why-night-did-you-me-last-?
(+) why did you call me last night?
(-) why didn't you call me last night?
i hope it'll helps [answer.2.content]
1. Everyone-to-teguh's-party-did-come-?
2. Did-visit-her-you-this morning-?
3. What-sunday-did-do-last-you-?
4. Here-how-you-did-get-?
5. Call-why-night-did-you-me-last-?
(+) did everyone come to teguh's party?
(-) did everyone not come to teguh's party?
2. did-visit-her-you-this-morning-?
(+) did you visit her this morning?
(-) did you not visit her this morning?
3. what-sunday-did-do-last-you-?
(+) what did you do last sunday?
(-) what didn't you do last sunday?
4. here-how-you-did-get-?
(+) how did you get here?
(-) how did you not get here?
5. call-why-night-did-you-me-last-?
(+) why did you call me last night?
(-) why didn't you call me last night?
i hope it'll helps [answer.2.content]